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Hospital Multan has the following government job vacancies as (Stenographer
(BPS-15), Junior Computer Operator (BPS-12), Junior Clerk (BPS-11), ICU Lab
Technician and Junior/Emergency Technician (Technology Technician) (BPS-09),
Operating Room Technician / Junior Technician (Surgical Technology) (BPS-09),
Laboratory Technician (PCR) (Junior Pathology Tech) (BPS-09), Multipurpose
Paramedic / Junior Technician (Technology in Health) (BPS-09), Ophthalmic
Technician (Eye) / Junior Technician (Ophthalmology Technology) (BPS-09),
Physiotherapy Assistant / Junior Technician (Physiotherapy Technology)
(BPS-09), X-Ray Operator / Junior Technician (Radiography and Imaging
Technology) (BPS-09), Radiographer / Junior Technician (Radiography and Imaging
Technology) (BPS-09), Dispenser / Junior Technician (Pharmaceutical Technology)
(BPS-09), Operating Room Assistant / Junior Technician (Surgical Technology)
(BPS)- 09), Sterilization Operator/Junior Technician (T Technician of
Cardiology) (BPS-09), ECG Technician/Junior Technician (Cardiology Tech)
(BPS-09), Darkroom Assistant/Junior T (Radiography and Imaging Tech) (BPS-09)
etc.) are contract vacancies. On that basis, the Board of Directors of Nishtar
Medical Institution, Multan must be filled with full confidence. These are the
latest jobs 2023 in ZTBL.
Tap this
page to download KSSL ZTBL Jobs 2023 Kisan Support Services Application Form.
KSSL is a subsidiary of Agricultural Development Bank Limited and is looking
for dynamic, professional, energetic and qualified individuals to fill the
vacancy given below.
ZTBL has jobs like (Financial, Tractor Operator, Mid/Day Care Worker (Female))
HR Department in Islamabad. The appointment will be made on contract basis as
per the recruitment policy of KSSL – Kissan Support Services Limited. All the
candidates who are looking for banking jobs so tap on website to
visit this website to stay updated all the time and get all the job
opportunities in blink of an eye with complete information and details. .
candidates should have Matriculation/Middle qualification from a recognized
board and relevant experience is required to apply. So stay in touch with this
website and also be aware of those who are far away from this website and are
still unknown about it. Now have a look at its application criteria and vacancy
to give complete and final information about the posted job well. These are
also the latest govt jobs 2023 in this department.
ZTBL Jobs 2023 Kissan Support Services Application Form Download
Date 9th Jan 2023
Salary PKR , 22000 - 25000
Age 25 - 45 Years
Gender Male, Female
Level Hardworking
Designations Mali,
Updated on January 8th, 2023
Date to Apply Jan 23, 2023.
Company ZTBL
Address Head HR Kissan Support
Services Pvt. Limited, Room No. 1114 Main Building, ZTBL Head Office, 1-Faisal
Avenue, Zero Point, Islamabad
Care Worker (Female)
to Apply KSSL ZTBL Jobs 2022:
applicants may apply by submitting a handwritten application to the following
address given below.
eligible candidates will be hired for this job.
The last
date to apply is 23rd January 2022.
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